Advanced Energy therapy
The Portal to
Your Well-Being
Harness the Power of Sound, Light & Colour to Elevate Your Energy, Reset & Thrive
Breakthrough Resonant Chamber Technology for Well-Being.
Beneficial Frequencies for Mind, Body and Soul.
Harmonic Egg Ellipse®
Unlock the transformative power of sound healing, music, and light therapy with the Harmonic Egg Ellipse®—your gateway to deep relaxation, stress relief, pain management, improved sleep, and so much more. Our patented pod utilises resonance energy therapy through a harmonious blend of frequencies and vibrations in the form of colours of light, sounds, resonance, and acoustic science. This unique approach promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being at a cellular level, helping you achieve a profound state of balance. Our sessions can provide long-lasting effects, supporting sustained improvements in overall health and wellness.
Imagine yourself cocooned in a resetting, de-stressing, immersive 360° soundscape—a comfortable and safe environment designed to support your entire being. Handcrafted with precision, the chamber’s airy, breathable environment ensures that even those sensitive to enclosed spaces can immerse themselves fully in the experience, free from discomfort.
The Harmonic Egg Ellipse® gently guides you into a deep state of relaxation and a therapeutic mental flow state through the combination of sound and colour light therapy. The subtle energy shift that occurs during the sessions helps to reset your body’s natural rhythms. Our sessions are suitable for everyone, including pregnant women, babies, and individuals of all ages.
During your session, you may experience the beneficial brain wave states of Alpha, Theta, and Gamma, entering a state that is below consciousness and on the verge of REM sleep. This allows you to reap the full benefits of the Harmonic Egg’s resonance in a deeply restorative and personalised healing process.
Harmonic Egg Ellipse® Benefits:
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Additional Benefits:
- Reduce inflammation
- Increase circulation
- Clear trauma at a cellular level
- Relief from grief, sadness, sorrow, guilt and regret
- Connect with the power of self-regulation and self-healing
- Changing your vibration and raising consciousness
- Activating full potential
- Working on re-programming and limiting beliefs
- Explore your inner world, and achieve greater self-knowledge
In addition during Harmonic Egg Ellipse® sessions, the client can also address blockages, compulsions, addictions, depressions, fears, financial problems, bullying, relationship issues, insecurity, and more. It allows you to break free from old life patterns by making them insightful. As a result, unconscious beliefs become conscious, allowing for your transformation and new possibilities to emerge in your life.
The resonant chamber can help your body revitalise. As a result, neural dysfunctions, from headaches to deafness to paralysis, can be normalised.
Can any such a heal-all exist?
If there is a generalised life-force enhancer, the answer is yes, and the Harmonic Egg Ellipse® may be it.
The Harmonic Egg Ellipse® is for Everyone. Get Back to Feeling Your Healthiest Self. Get Some Well-Deserved "YOU" Time, as its Acoustic and Resonant Nature, Allow Your Body to Heal on All Levels
Whatever you experience – stress, difficulty sleeping, illness, emotional, mental, physical, or another type of trauma, or a general feeling that you are not as healthy and happy as you could be, the Harmonic Egg Ellipse® can help you.
The Harmonic Egg Ellipse® should be a part of your self-care routine as it provides a safe, reliable, and natural, holistic energy therapy designed to assist the body in healing itself on every level. Using energy medicine from the resonant chamber to promote cellular healing and focus on the root cause of your ailments can and should co-exist and work in parallel with conventional medicine as part of a well-balanced health care regime. It can also effectively reduce the need for more medication or surgical intervention.
Harmonic Egg Ellipse® clients, both adults and children, from all over the world have reported positive and beneficial effects such as:
- A variety of health issues and mental state improvements
- Improved quality of sleep
- More energy
- Faster recovery in athletes
- Better overall health
- Improved mood
- Helps with weight loss
- Improved communication and self-confidence
- Helps in manifesting dreams and goals
The Harmonic Egg Ellipse® is effective in promoting the body's healing abilities.
The effects our customers are reporting speak for themselves.
Harmonic Egg Ellipse® Highlights
- Advanced energy healing technology based on ancient science, quantum physics, integrative medicine, and new medical research
- Recline in a chamber of resonant coloured light and sound to de-stress and restore your unique radiance, resulting in improved physical and emotional well-being
- The sessions are risk-free and are suitable for all ages, with no side effects, and no contraindications in comparison to pharmaceutical agents
- Safe, non-invasive, pain-free, and no-touch healing therapy
- We provide solutions for claustrophobic people
- It aids the body and mind’s conditions simultaneously, prioritising the most critical areas rather than targeting one organ or one ailment individually
- You will be fully clothed and have a completely private and relaxed experience
- The sessions consist of 50 minutes of powerful sensory experiences (40 min surrounded by music and colours + 10 min of silence). The experience induces the most beneficial brainwave states (Theta and Delta), so you can come into a state of deep relaxation, promoting the body to activate its natural healing abilities by unplugging your mind and recharging your soul
- Each client will receive customised sessions; both instrumental music and the colours of light are carefully selected and personalised according to the client's specific body/mind dysfunctions and physical, emotional, or spiritual needs
- Each Harmonic Egg Ellipse® wellness practitioner is specially trained in the use of both sound and colour for specific conditions
- Between sessions, the armrests of the reclining chair are sterilised, UV sanitised, and new sheets/towels are placed on the chair. Although the resonant chamber is energetically self-cleaning, we occasionally smudge (burn sage) in the Harmonic Egg Ellipse room outside the chamber
- We also use Zepter's THERAPY AIR IOn® - a leading five-level air purification system for healthy air - HEPA Air Purifier
Did you know that "frequency medicine" has the potential to alter the future course of medical care?
Neuroscience, physics, and molecular biology are now actively supporting energy, or "frequency medicine," as it is known, as a legitimate alternative to healing the body.
Sending vibrations and frequencies becomes “the future of healing”. Many scientists worldwide have already indicated this, including Albert Einstein (mastermind and Father of Modern Physics), Nicolas Tesla (mastermind and inventor of electricity), Fritz Albert Popp (biophysicist), Dr Joe Dispenza (neuroscientist), Greg Braden (scientist), modern physicians from The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) and numerous other experts and scientists.
"Future MEDICINE will be the Medicine of FREQUENCIES."
Albert Einstein
What are two of the vital, resonant frequencies the Harmonic Egg Ellipse® works with? Sound and light!
A beautiful reminder given by Fritz-Albert Popp (PH.D. Biophysicist) and Dr Pillai (spiritual scientist and philanthropist) is that “light equals life. By bringing more light into our bodies, we get a greater life force.” However, Edgar Cayce 1877-1945 (known as the sleeping Prophet) said, “If someone could bring together the spiritual forces of sound and light, it will be a great modality for the future ” & ” The medicine of the future will be music and sound”.
For this very reason, we are inviting you to experience the groundbreaking Harmonic Egg Ellipse as the sessions are a unique and effective way to receive life-changing healing frequencies supported by a plethora of scientific evidence.
Everything is Energy, Frequency, Vibration and Resonance
According to Quantum physics, even though the physical body appears to be solid matter, there’s no difference between energy and matter. Therefore, we are nothing but energy.
Everything we know, the entire universe consists of energy vibrating at various frequencies. So let’s look to some of the greatest minds in history, Albert Einstein and Nicholas Tesla, to understand that even matter is merely energy vibrating at a frequency perceivable to our senses.
Your entire existence… all matter, all life, all experiences—everything in the physical world owes its existence to frequency. Everything is a function of frequency. You cannot have an experience on this planet unless you attract it through frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate, has its own frequency. Health has a frequency, and disease also has a frequency. Your organs are tuned to a different frequency, as is your entire body, which resonates at its own frequency. You are a symphony of frequencies while projecting yourself through this universe and creating your physical reality.
Tesla meant that all matter vibrates at specific rates, and everything has its own melody. Tesla believed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 had extreme importance. The Harmonic Egg Ellipse® is designed with this in mind.
Are you curious to experience the Harmonic Egg Ellipse®?
Book now and get 25% ОFF your first session and please fill in the intake form online beforehand to fast-process your information and have more quality time for discussion.
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